Dr. Joe Nieusma

Dr. Joe Nieusma, Ph.D.

Senior Toxicologist

Superior Toxicology & Wellness

14767 Pine Glen Dr.
Grand Haven, MI 49417



Executive Summary

Free radicals are compounds with one or more unpaired valence electrons. Traditional antioxidants donate an electron to complete the pair. Antireductants on the other hand accept an electron to eliminate the free radical status and make the molecule far less reactive and destructive. Radicals are absolutely critical for a huge number of metabolic reactions when and only when they are where they are supposed to be. “Free” radicals are highly destructive and damaging to the cellular environment. They tear through the mitochondrial membranes on the way to damaging DNA and the cell membrane. The electrons responsible for forming free radicals escape the normal process of respiration wherein food and oxygen make the electrons that make up the electron transport chain that run our bodies. D-beta-hydroxybutyrate, (free acid) the primary ketone produced by the liver, is unique in that it not only accepts an electron, neutralizing the potentially damaging species, but also delivers the electron back to the electron transport chain within respiration in order that it can be used by the body as energy. C60 is the vehicle that collects electrons from free radicals. Ketones are the carrier transport vehicle that return the electrons to the correct cellular location for respiration where they are put back to work.
            By eliminating the free radicals and the effects of the free radicals, a healthier environment is created that includes less chronic inflammation, less acute and chronic disease, increased energy production, increased oxidative phosphorylation, increased prevention, and increased healing.  These actions collectively increase the health of the body. 



The human body has a normal method of energy production that, as a matter of course, produces oxygen free radicals that leak out as cellular energy is produced.  On a daily basis, the cells of the body spend resources to fight these radicals. The cellular defenses include glutathione, antioxidants, and other protective enzyme systems. The body is designed to be redundant with protective mechanisms.  These protective mechanisms are maintained through a quality diet, adequate hydration, exercise, and rest. 

Deficiencies in any of these areas can set up the body to have depleted defenses against cellular insults, including oxygen radicals, and toxins from air, water, food, and environment. When these free radicals are not eliminated, adverse reactions occur that decrease the efficiency of cellular systems. This could be depleting conjugation enzymes like glutathione or glucuronide or glycine.  Enzymes like DNA repair enzymes or transporter enzymes that rid the cells of toxins could be damaged and lose efficiency. This results in decreased cellular performance of critical systems and macromolecules.  Over time, this decreased efficiency effects the health of the cells.  When enough cells are unhealthy, this makes tissues unhealthy and when enough tissues are unhealthy, then organs are unhealthy and when organs are unhealthy, people can die. If cellular health can be safeguarded, it follows that tissues, organs and organisms will be healthier and happier as a result of improved cellular health.

Free radicals are compounds with unpaired valence electrons, making them highly reactive and potentially damaging to cells. In normal metabolic reactions, free radicals play a crucial role, but only when they are in the right place. However, "free" radicals that are not properly controlled can cause harm by damaging DNA and cell membranes. These "wild" radicals can escape the normal respiration process and wreak havoc on cells. Traditional antioxidants donate an electron to neutralize free radicals. On the other hand, antireductants accept an electron, effectively eliminating the free radical and reducing their reactivity and destructiveness. Either way the electron is paired will result in better health for the cell. 

The human body is under constant attack from oxidative stress caused by free radicals from reactive oxygen species (ROS). Oxidative stress causes damage to cells, especially cellular proteins and DNA, and is associated with many human diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. Oxidative stress also contributes to aging, which can be defined as a gradual accumulation of free-radical damage.

C60, also known as fullerene, is the vehicle that collects electrons from free radicals. Ketones are the carrier transport vehicle that return the electrons to the correct cellular location for respiration where they are put back to work. D-beta-hydroxybutyrate, a ketone produced by the liver, is unique because it not only accepts an electron but also transports and delivers it back to the electron transport chain within the inner mitochondrial membrane where cellular respiration produces ATP, the energy necessary for life. This allows the electron to be returned to be used in energy production by the body. This chemical entity is the antireductant mentioned above.  Impaired or damaged mitochondria can lead to a decrease in ATP production and contribute to conditions such as chronic inflammation. Therefore, by repurposing free radicals back into the system for energy before any damage is done, it is possible to be proactive in preventing cellular damage.

The cellular process described is related to the role of free radicals, antioxidants, antireductants, ketones, and polyhydroxylated C60 in cellular metabolism and the prevention of damage caused by free radicals in nearly every cell of the body. The key thing to this whole mixture is that the chemicals are going into every cell of the body including the brain. The ketone species are taking the C60 species across the blood brain barrier and scavenging free radicals in neural cells stopping the cellular damage from free radicals that are present and preventing the formation of free radicals by neutralizing the unpaired electrons at the site of oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondrial membrane.  

Something very specific to D-beta-hydroxybutyrate ketones and polyhydroxylated C60, and sets ketones and polyhydroxylated C60 apart, is that they both can pass through the mitochondrial membranes. This is very important because it is inside the mitochondria that free radicals are created. Other antioxidants and antireductants are in the cytosol of the cell. By the time they encounter free radicals, they have already ripped through the mitochondria and destroyed the electric potential across the membrane which harms or destroys the mitochondria. The damage is done. No mitochondria, no ATP. No ATP, no life. Worse yet is still living but impaired mitochondria which may become free radical factories, leading to cytokine storms and chronic inflammation.

With the D-beta-hydroxybutyrate ketones and polyhydroxylated C60 acting within the mitochrondria to capture and return free electrons to the energy production process proactively, oxidative cellular damage or organelle membrane damage is prevented from happening and the mitochondria retain efficiency of energy production without affecting the process due to the presence of free radicals. The oxidative cellular damage or organelle membrane damage from free radicals is squelched in the cytosol of the cell only after damage to mitochondria has occurred with current typical antioxidants. D-beta-hydroxybutyrate ketones and polyhydroxylated C60 species changes the game. The field of study is complex, and more research is needed to fully understand and harness the potential benefits of these compounds.

D-beta-hydroxybutyrate ketones and polyhydroxylated C60 can accept the free election at the inner membrane of the mitochondria as they are generated and before any oxidative damage occurs to the energy producing organelle. This is a paradigm shift in fighting oxidative stress.  D-beta-hydroxybutyrate ketones and polyhydroxylated C60 are able to pass through the mitochondrial membranes, the site of reactive oxygen species generation and activity, and prevent reactive oxygen species-mediated damage from occurring in the first place. 


Proposed Solution

            Regular presence of C60 and D-beta-hydroxybutyrate in a cellular environment continuously neutralizes the damaging oxygen free radicals routinely produced by oxidative phosphorylation and leaked out of the mitochondrial membrane into the rest of the cell. Over time, if the cell is depleted of defenses, cells could suffer damage to DNA, enzymes, or membranes. C60 and D-beta-hydroxybutyrate significantly boost the cellular defenses and provide protection from the chronic exposure to free radicals. Research has shown that C60 and D-beta-hydroxybutyrate are able to travel to most areas of the body including the inner mitochondrial membrane and across the blood-brain-barrier, in the quest to neutralize free radicals.



Theoretically, if enough C60 and D-beta-hydroxybutyrate is consumed, the entire body could be defended from reactive oxygen species and the damage from free radicals. Once defended from free radicals, damage is halted, prior damage may be rejuvenated, and without significant levels of oxidative stress being created, more bodily resources will be used for healing naturally as the body is designed to do when adequately defended from oxidative stress.  The cause of aging, pain and degradation of cellular physiology has been shown to be directly related to oxidative stress. This combination product could be game changer for brain and the age-related chronic disease and battle both the initiation and progression of those diseases. By eliminating the free radicals and the effects of the free radicals, a healthier environment is created that includes less chronic inflammation, less acute and chronic disease, increased energy production, increased oxidative phosphorylation, increased prevention, and increased healing.  These actions collectively increase the health of the body.