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C60 Complete is the world's best defense with its powerful combination of C60, Blackseed oil, and Curcumin, scientifically proven to improve immune function and fight the effects of oxidative stress with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
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Capsules Sold to Date
Crafted with Care: Our capsules are a blend of Carbon 60, black seed oil, and curcumin. Our gel capsules contain anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties
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Your Body is Under Attack, Start Fighting Back Today!
Take your life back today with the only patented, natural, organic, and safe 'Wonder Molecule' C60.
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C60 Complete Product Specifications
What makes our product different ?
Shop C60 ProductsWe offer the only patented C60, ensuring the highest quality and effectiveness.
- Carbon 60
- Organic Black Seed Oil
- Organic Curcumin
- Proprietary Frequency Process
- Solvent-Free
- 172x More Potent than Vitamin-C
- Developed after 8 years of research by NASA/JPL trained scientists.
- Supported by over 28,000 novel treatments and effects in published research.
- Carbon 60: Known as the world's most efficient free radical scavenger.
- Black Seed Oil and Curcumin: Combines potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.
- Solvent-Free: Ensuring the purest form of ingredients.
- Organic Ingredients: Only the finest, organic components are used.
Watch & Learn About Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Over time, this imbalance can lead to cell, tissue, and DNA damage, which may contribute to chronic conditions. Factors such as smog and pollutants, pesticides and chemicals, poor quality food and water, injury, high activity levels, infectious diseases, and stress can contribute to these imbalances.

C60 BENEFITS | Backed By Scientific Research
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Research on how C60 Increases Longevity
- Rats lived 90% longer:
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- Here we show that oral administration of C60 does not entail chronic toxicity but it almost doubles their lifespan:
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Research on how C60 Scavenges Free Radicals
- C60 is characterized as a “free radical sponge” with an anti-oxidant efficacy several hundred-fold higher than conventional anti-oxidants: Click to view research
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Research on how C60 Reduces Inflammation
Research on how C60 Improves Immune Function
Research on how C60 Improves Cognitive Performance
Research on how C60 Kills Bad Bacteria and Viruses
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- C60 compounds can help inhibit Influenza A: Click to view research
- C60 compounds help reduce HIV and HSV: Click to view research
- C60 compounds help inhibit Influenza infections: Click to view research
- C60 inhibits viruses from replicating. Results indicate that fullerene derivatives are possible candidates for the development of novel anti-influenza drugs: Click to view research
Research on how C60 Prevents UV Damage and other ionizing radiation
Research on how C60 Assists Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
- Doesn’t necessarily promote weight loss – but can prevent further weight gain
- With both human and mouse cell cultures, it was shown that carbon 60 prevented the cells from turning into fat cells:
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Research on how C60 Protects Nerves
- Nerves can die from oxidative stress and overstimulation. C60 protects nerves from dying due to “overwork” in cell cultures: Click to view research
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Research on how C60 Prevents Osteoarthritis and Arthritis
- Protects Cartilage and Improves Bone Health
- Improves bone mineral density
- C60 prevented cartilage cells from aging prematurely or dying off, as well as increasing cartilage production and reducing enzymes that would destroy it
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